Location & Size
Carson Estates is located off Highway 64 just past the iconic Rio Grande Gorge Bridge and roughly five minutes outside the vibrant community of Taos. Situated within easy driving distance of the slopes and trails of the world-famous Taos Ski Valley, this master-planned subdivision was platted out and pinned back in the 1960's with the entire region subdivided into quarter acre parcels.
County, State
Taos County, New Mexico
Lot Size
0.25 Acres
Nearest Town
Street Address
Not Designated
Zip Code
Legal Information
When we speak of property we typically use an address -- 123 Main Street for instance.
As most vacant land does not have a physical address, however, county governments will identify it in other ways, such as a "legal description", a parcel number or a tax code. The information provided in the table to the right are the ways in which the various state and county agencies will identify this specific parcel of land. These signifiers are important to have when speaking with these agencies - whether they be the assessor, the zoning office, or even the local utilities - and may prove invaluable when initiating conversations about whatever research a buyer intends to do.
Whenever one exists or has been assigned to the land, the physical address will be included in this table.
Legal Description
Carson Estates, Unit 4, Block 201, Lot H
Parcel Number
Account Number
Annual Taxes
Access & Utilities
Road Conditions: All parcels within the Carson Estates subdivision have legal access, as roads and easements were allowed for in the original Plats of the area. That said, in many circumstance a four-wheel drive or other off-road capable vehicle may be required to navigate some of the roads. As is to be expected, some areas are easier to get to than others, and some roads are easier to drive on than others.
Power: The nearest power lines stop at Highway 64, servicing only a small number of the developed home sites along Sheep Herder Road with the vast majority of the Carson Estates community being without residential power lines. Because of this, most residents here rely on solar panels or other alternative methods to bring power to their properties.
Wells & Water Table: Due to the depth of the water table in this region, wells are generally considered either infeasible or prohibitively expensive and most residents rely on refillable tanks for their drinking water. It has been reported that there a few community wells in this region - meaning someone owns a well and lets other residents purchase water from them - but we have never been able to confirm this or find the contact information for the well owners.
Legal Access
Access Road
Access Condition
Dirt Road
Access Frontage
Solar or Alternative
Catchment System or Holding Tank
Zoning & Restrictions
While the town of Taos has numerous zoning ordinances and restrictions, Taos County has very relaxed zoning laws, particularly in rural areas like this. Carson Estates is zoned County Rural Area, a fairly permissive designation which, amongst other things, allows a person to park an RV and live out of it for 180 Days even without a building permit. This fact alone makes the area ideal for anyone with an RV looking for land they can vacation to, camp on, or park and live on for a long time without being hassled by local officials. This also makes the area fitting for other "off-grid" dwellings such as earth ship homes, tiny homes, shipping container homes, etc.
If you're purchasing land to build you should check with the county zoning office to learn what permits are required on land smaller than 3/4 of an acre.
Disclosure: Prospective buyers are encouraged to keep in mind that while Taos County has very relaxed zoning, land in this region will still be subject to state-wide laws, building codes and environmental regulations. This is especially true as it pertains to how waste is disposed of and wells are drilled and installed. The NM EPA oversees septic permits and the State Engineer is responsible for well permits and are two organizations you or your contractor will deal with eventually. State regulations aside, however, Taos County remains one of the most ideal places in New Mexico for developing land with as few ordinances to conform to as possible.
County Rural Area
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions
Annual Dues
Time Limit On Building
Title Info
Free & Clear
Liens and Encumbrances
Mineral Rights
Recent Survey
Title Insurance
Conveyance Document
Special Warranty Deed
Suggested Type of Closing
Notary Close
Doc Prep Fee
Helpful Links
The Hemingway Land Company does our best to represent the properties we list as accurately as possible. Our research, however, will always be limited.
Because of this, included in the table to the right is a list of the relevant state and county governments, agencies and authorities as well as local utilities (and all their respective websites and contact information) which should help to answer any questions a buyer may have about developing this specific property.
Whenever possible it is best to speak with these agencies first as they will always be a far greater source of information about the local region and the regulations which govern it.
Taos County Assessor's Office
(575) 737-6360Taos County Planning & Zoning
(575) 737-6440New Mexico Environmental Department
(505) 827-2855Taos County Zoning Ordinance
Click HereTaos County Zoning Map
Click HereNew Mexico State Engineer
1-800-WATERNMWell Drilling Info
Click HereWell Drilling Permit Application
Click HereMisc.
Master List Of Properties: Hemingway Land has bought and sold hundreds of lots in the Carson Estates subdivision and we typically boast a revolving door of property here. Anyone looking to expand their parcel boundaries is encouraged to review our master spreadsheet of past and current inventory to see if we have now or have had in the past land which is adjacent to yours. NOTE: Adjacent lots are best identified by knowing the Unit/Block/Lot of your own property.
Unit Locations: Carson Estates consists of six units of land numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 11. Units 1, 4, 5 and 11 are all located off of Sheep Herder Road in the northern part of the subdivision. Units 2 and 3 are in a separate location to the south and are accessed off of W. Rim Road.
Parcel Sizes: It should be noted that because this region was first subdivided almost entirely into quarter acre parcels, it is very difficult to find larger acreage here. For those looking for anything bigger than a quarter acre of land you'll need to purchase adjacent lots which total the amount of land you're looking to develop (two lots = a half acre, four lots = 1 acre, so on and so forth). Prospective buyers should be aware, however, that combination lots are very difficult to come by here and the larger the property you require, the less likely it is to exist. While Hemingway Land has sold a number of adjacent lots in this region, that is the exception and not the rule in a subdivision platted like this one. In circumstances where we have two neighboring lots, they will always be sold together as they are inherently more valuable.
Photography Disclosure: Unlike our other listings, the properties being sold in Carson Estates are being represented with photos from different regions of the subdivision and are not property-specific. As Hemingway Land has purchased and had photographed so many parcels throughout this area - and because there is little observable difference in the roads, topography and scenery - we have elected to reuse past photos. It should be noted, however, that this is not something we would do if we didn't feel confident this was an adequate representation of the region. Any prospective buyer looking for a more precise sense of the exact parcel is welcome to scout any property we have in inventory.
Nearby Towns
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