RV Friendly Land With Relaxed Zoning

RV Friendly Land With Relaxed Zoning
Torrance County
1 Acre
Estancia Ranchettes

Purchase Info

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Property Details

Location & Size


The Estancia Ranchettes is a rural subdivision located just east of Moriarty within the I-40 corridor. This is a large subdivision consisting almost entirely of 1 acre parcels extending as far as three miles north of the highway and four miles south.

Despite being created in the 1960's, the Estancia Ranchettes subdivision remains largely undeveloped. Because of this as well as its rural setting, it has had enduring appeal to land owners looking to live unconventional lifestyles in a quiet, country setting with ample privacy.

Torrance County, New Mexico

1 Acre


Not Designated


Legal Information


When we speak of property we typically use an address -- 123 Main Street for instance. 

As most vacant land does not have a physical address, however, county governments will identify it in other ways, such as a "legal description", a parcel number or a tax code. The information provided in the table to the right are the ways in which the various state and county agencies will identify this specific parcel of land. These signifiers are important to have when speaking with these agencies - whether they be the assessor, the zoning office, or even the local utilities - and may prove invaluable when initiating conversations about whatever research a buyer intends to do.

Whenever one exists or has been assigned to the land, the physical address will be included in this table.

Estancia Ranchettes, Unit 13, Block 2, Lot 9




Access & Utilities


Roads & Access: While all the properties in Estancia Ranchettes have legal access, the road conditions throughout the subdivision vary greatly depending on where you're at and where you're attempting to get to. For instance, County-maintained roads can be found throughout the region, most of which will get you to within a couple hundred feet of any individual lot. Of the roads that are not maintained by the county, most are bladed or have been preserved to some degree by regular traffic. The worst road conditions you are likely to find here are simply roads that are overgrown to the point of being difficult to discern. Having said that, the parcels in this subdivision remain ones which can still be accessed and driven. Anyone scouting a property here is encouraged to take a larger truck or off-road capable vehicle.

Power & Utilities: While some parts of Estancia Ranchettes have residential power lines, and while underground utility boxes can even be found in others, those areas are typically within a couple hundred feet of developed home sites and should be viewed as the exception, and not the rule. Because of this, anyone attempting to build, RV or camp out here should expect to rely on alternative forms of power. Anyone looking to investigate the costs associated with getting service extended to the subject property is encouraged to contact the Central New Mexico Electric Cooperative, the local utility servicing this region.

Cell Reception: It should be noted that despite the lack of utilities in this region, our photographer reported a surprisingly reliable cell reception throughout the entire subdivision.


Coyote Drive

Bladed Dirt Roads


Solar or Alternative

Mobile or Satellite; Cell Reception Reliable

By Well, Holding Tank or Catchment System

Septic Or Alternative System

Zoning & Restrictions


Zoning: Estancia Ranchettes is zoned Rural Residential in a Pre-Platted Lands District. This designation means that the subdivision was created before Torrance County had formal zoning laws, and hence tends to benefit from a more relaxed attitude when it comes to both Permissive and Conditional Uses.  To read more of the Torrance County zoning ordinance that addresses these two designations, we encourage you to follow this link.

No HOA: Estancia Ranchettes has no HOA, no annual dues, and no covenants or restrictions. Because of this, anyone buying land here will be afforded great freedom in how they elect to develop the property.

Camping, RVs and Misc. Structures:  Mobile and modular homes can be built in this region and RVs are acceptable for ninety days at a time or six months with a building permit. Anyone curious about the viability or permitting process for unconventional structures such as tiny homes, yurts, or earthship homes is encouraged to contact the Torrance County Planning & Zoning Department.





Title Info


Free & Clear





Special Warranty Deed

Notary Close


Helpful Links


The Hemingway Land Company does our best to represent the properties we list as accurately as possible. Our research, however, will always be limited. 

Because of this, included in the table to the right is a list of the relevant state and county governments, agencies and authorities as well as local utilities (and all their respective websites and contact information) which should help to answer any questions a buyer may have about developing this specific property.

Whenever possible it is best to speak with these agencies first as they will always be a far greater source of information about the local region and the regulations which govern it.  

(505) 544-4300
(505) 544-4390
(505) 832-4483
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Master List Of Properties:  Hemingway Land has bought and sold dozens of lots in the Estancia Ranchettes subdivision and we typically boast a revolving door of property here. Anyone looking to expand their parcel boundaries is encouraged to review our master spreadsheet of past and current inventory to see if we have now or have had in the past land which is adjacent to yours. NOTE: Adjacent lots are best identified by knowing the Unit/Block/Lot of your own property.

Photography Disclosure:  Unlike our other listings, the properties being sold in Estancia Ranchettes are being represented with photos from different regions of the subdivision and are not property-specific. As Hemingway Land has purchased and had photographed so many parcels throughout this area - and because there is little observable difference in the roads, topography and scenery - we have elected to reuse past photos. It should be noted, however, that this is not something we would do if we didn't feel confident this was an adequate representation of the region. Any prospective buyer looking for a more precise sense of the exact parcel is welcome to scout any property we have in inventory.

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Maps and Boundaries

Towns and Attractions

Nearby Towns


Nearby Towns: Located just ten minutes outside of Moriarty you'll have easy access to groceries and supplies as well as fast food restaurants, gas stations, post offices, and banks. Edgewood, an additional ten minutes west along the I-40 is where you'll find the nearest Walmart Superstore as well as additional big box stores and grocery chains. Furthermore, Albuquerque, the largest city in the state, is just a quick twenty-minute drive west and is likely to have whatever product or service you can't procure in Edgewood or Moriarty.

53 miles (55 min)

55 miles (1 h 9 min)

75 miles (1 h 17 min)

125 miles (2 h 28 min)

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