Forested Lot With Power In Developing Area

Klamath County
2.31 Acres
Klamath Falls Forest Estates

Purchase Info

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Property Details

Location & Size


The subject property is a 2.3 acre lot located in Klamath Falls Forest Estates, a sprawling rural residential community situated just off Highway 140 and roughly twenty miles east of Klamath Falls.

While this subdivision is quite large occupying roughly forty miles of land, the subject property is located in Unit 2, the southwestern most part of the subdivision and the region which sits closest to Klamath Falls.

Klamath County, Oregon

2.31 Acres

Klamath Falls

Not Designated


Legal Information


When we speak of property we typically use an address -- 123 Main Street for instance. 

As most vacant land does not have a physical address, however, county governments will identify it in other ways, such as a "legal description", a parcel number or a tax code. The information provided in the table to the right are the ways in which the various state and county agencies will identify this specific parcel of land. These signifiers are important to have when speaking with these agencies - whether they be the assessor, the zoning office, or even the local utilities - and may prove invaluable when initiating conversations about whatever research a buyer intends to do.

Whenever one exists or has been assigned to the land, the physical address will be included in this table.

Klamath Falls Forest Estates, Unit 2, Block 59, Lot 18




Access & Utilities


Roads & Access: The subject property is located along Brant Drive, a well-maintained two-track gravel road which can be navigated by any vehicle type. In addition, the subject property sits in close proximity to Highway 140, meaning there are only a few unpaved roads one will need to traverse when visiting the land.

Power & Utilities: Unlike other parts of this sprawling subdivision, utilities have a greater presence in this specific region. This includes at the subject property along Brant Drive as well as along most of the neighboring roads. In addition, underground utilities can be found servicing developed home sites as close as the nearest intersection of Brant and Possum, roughly five hundred feet away. Because of this, it should be easier and more affordable to develop the land. Anyone looking to investigate the costs associated with getting service connected on the subject property is encouraged to contact Pacific Power, the utility company servicing this region.

Wells & Water: The average depth of wells drilled in this specific part of the subdivision ranges from 213-270 feet with an average GPM (gallons per minute) ranging between 8 and 40. For a more accurate sense of the costs involved in installing a well here it is best to contact well drillers local to the region.


Brant Drive

Well-Maintained Gravel Road

200 Feet (Western Boundary)

At The Lot Line

Underground Utilities In The Area

Well or Holding Tank


Zoning & Restrictions


Zoning: The Klamath Falls Forest Estates subdivision is zoned R-2 Rural Residential, a designation whose purpose is to establish and maintain areas for rural residential uses. This may include everything from single family residences to small-scale hobby farming. To learn more about the R-2 Zoning Designation, please see the attached PDF.

No HOA: The Klamath Falls Forest Estates subdivision has no HOA and there are no annual dues associated with land ownership here.

Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions: According to the County, there are no covenants, conditions and restrictions (CCRs) on file for this Unit of the Klamath Falls Forest Estates subdivision. This means that anyone looking to use or develop the land will only need to familiarize themselves with rules imposed through the County zoning code.

Acceptable Structures: It should be noted that per County zoning, acceptable structures for this region include single family residences, mobile homes and manufactured homes. Additionally, the minimum square footage requirement here is only 300 square feet, meaning this area is ideal for tiny homes as well. To learn more about developing the land for residential purposes please contact the Klamath County Planning Department.

Camping & RV Use: The subject property may be used for camping but only for twenty-one days in a six-month period. Anyone looking to stay longer than seven consecutive days must acquire a permit from the County. Additionally, RVs may be used here but only for recreational purposes. RVs may not be used as permanent residences though may be used for longer if the owner has acquired a building permit (meaning if they’re in the process of building the permanent home site). Tiny homes with a trailer frame, meaning those not on a permanent foundation, are classified as RVs and thus must be registered with the state DMV. Any use of such a vehicle on the land would be considered recreational and not residential. To learn more about using the land recreationally please contact the Klamath County Planning Department.





Title Info



Free & Clear




Yes - Insured Through AmeriTitle

Warranty Deed



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Fire Department: It should be noted that the local Klamath Fire Department sits along Highway 140 less than two miles from the subject property at the entrance to this part of the subdivision. The presence of such fire suppression services can prove invaluable to anyone developing land in a forested region such as this.

Maps and Boundaries

Towns and Attractions

Nearby Towns


While the town of Beatty is close to the subject property it is ultimately very small and offers little more than a post office. Anyone looking for food and supplies will need to venture into nearby Klamath Falls, the County seat which sits in close proximity to this subdivision. Home to 22,000 residents, this vibrant community boasts hospitals, schools, parks and churches as well as places to shop, dine and relax, including the picturesque Klamath Lake.

17 miles (25 min)

29 miles (44 min)

45 miles (55 min)

72 miles (1 hr 22 min)

Nearby Attractions

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